Principal's messageAs I come up to pen a few lines for Christu Jyothi Convent Sr. Sec. School, I think the words of the Psalmist, "if I count the goodness of God, they would be more than the grains of sand in the sea shore" sound very true in the history of Christu Jyothi Convent Senior Secondary School, Baraut.
On behalf of CJ.C. family, I express my heartfelt gratitude to 'Jesus Christ' our true inspiration, the source of life and power, wisdom and all heavenly blessings, for piloting the destiny of C.J.C. school day by day towards great heights of success. Indeed it is the most marvelous time for Christu Jyothi as it makes great strides of progress with golden victories and brilliant academic results both at ISC and ICSE, scoring 100% result year after year.
My heart overflows with gratitude towards all the stake holders of Christu Jyothi. The dedicated staff, highly motivated students, committed Management, selfless benefactors, supportive parents, respected civil authorities, Honorable Council officials and above all the Mighty Divine presence of 'Christu overshadowing the institution with everlasting blessings make an amazing team for materializing its goals and objectives.
Serving Christu Jyothi Convent School has been my great privilege and delight. Joyfully I would offer my services for years to come in fulfilling the enlightening objectives of this temple of knowledge. My hearty congratulations to Team Christu Jyothi for their committed service and excellence in every field.
Sr. ( Dr.) Jessy Jose FCC